Hello everyone. I upgraded from ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10. Now my VM workstation 8 can no longer be launched. See the problem + the solution that I had for the 13.04. Now none of this is working for 13.10 and I cant use my VMs :-( Does anyone know of a solution to ubuntu 13.10 and vm 8?
(the problem is in a screenshot that appears below under the word Thanks, click on it to enlarge and see the problem)
Solution for 13.04:
apt-get install build-essential
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h
cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
tar xvf vmblock.tar ; tar xvf vmci.tar; tar xvf vmmon.tar ; tar xvf vmnet.tar ; tar xvf vsock.tar
wget http://communities.vmware.com/servle...inux-3-8.patch
patch -p0 < vmci.linux-3-8.patch.2
vi module_together
for file in *-only
tar cvf `basename $file -only`.tar $file
rm -rf *-only
chmod 755 module_together
rm -rf * -only
rm -rf *-only
vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
This didnt permanently solve the problem as after reboot I got the /dev/vmmon and vmci errors, which I fixed with this script given in another forum:
if [[ $UID != 0 ]]; then
echo "Please run this script with sudo:"
echo "sudo $0 $*"
exit 1
sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h
cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
sudo cp vmci.orig.tar vmci.tar
sudo cp -n vmci.tar vmci.orig.tar
sudo tar -xf vmci.tar
cd vmci-only/linux/
sudo sed '127s/.*/ .remove = vmci_remove_device,/' driver.c > driver.c.tmp
mv driver.c.tmp driver.c
sudo sed '1744s/.*/static int/' driver.c > driver.c.tmp
mv driver.c.tmp driver.c
sudo sed '1972s/.*/static void/' driver.c > driver.c.tmp
mv driver.c.tmp driver.c
cd ../..
sudo tar -cf vmci.tar vmci-only/
sudo rm vmci-only/ -Rf
sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
sudo rm /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h
echo "Done"
Now that I upgraded to ubuntu 13.10 this no longer works. Can anyone help please?
Screenshot from 2013-12-25 22:12:20.png
(the problem is in a screenshot that appears below under the word Thanks, click on it to enlarge and see the problem)
Solution for 13.04:
apt-get install build-essential
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h
cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
tar xvf vmblock.tar ; tar xvf vmci.tar; tar xvf vmmon.tar ; tar xvf vmnet.tar ; tar xvf vsock.tar
wget http://communities.vmware.com/servle...inux-3-8.patch
patch -p0 < vmci.linux-3-8.patch.2
vi module_together
for file in *-only
tar cvf `basename $file -only`.tar $file
rm -rf *-only
chmod 755 module_together
rm -rf * -only
rm -rf *-only
vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
This didnt permanently solve the problem as after reboot I got the /dev/vmmon and vmci errors, which I fixed with this script given in another forum:
if [[ $UID != 0 ]]; then
echo "Please run this script with sudo:"
echo "sudo $0 $*"
exit 1
sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h
cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
sudo cp vmci.orig.tar vmci.tar
sudo cp -n vmci.tar vmci.orig.tar
sudo tar -xf vmci.tar
cd vmci-only/linux/
sudo sed '127s/.*/ .remove = vmci_remove_device,/' driver.c > driver.c.tmp
mv driver.c.tmp driver.c
sudo sed '1744s/.*/static int/' driver.c > driver.c.tmp
mv driver.c.tmp driver.c
sudo sed '1972s/.*/static void/' driver.c > driver.c.tmp
mv driver.c.tmp driver.c
cd ../..
sudo tar -cf vmci.tar vmci-only/
sudo rm vmci-only/ -Rf
sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
sudo rm /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/version.h
echo "Done"
Now that I upgraded to ubuntu 13.10 this no longer works. Can anyone help please?
Screenshot from 2013-12-25 22:12:20.png