I have installed Ubuntu 12.04 server with an Xubuntu desktop, Xen, and Virtual Machine Manager. I can log into Ubuntu, start Virtual Machine Manager, create a Xen virtual machine, start it, and see it in a window within my Xubuntu desktop environment. However, it's not very usable; the mouse is sluggish, the display doesn't always refresh very well, and the Xubuntu desktop is intercepting some keys that I would like to type in the virtual machine.
Ubuntu has this really neat feature where I can press Control-Alt-F1 through Control-Alt-F7 and switch between six command-line consoles and the X window environment. Isn't there any way to enable Control-Alt-F8 to display the desktop of a Xen virtual machine directly so that I can use it without having to log into my Xubuntu desktop?
Ubuntu has this really neat feature where I can press Control-Alt-F1 through Control-Alt-F7 and switch between six command-line consoles and the X window environment. Isn't there any way to enable Control-Alt-F8 to display the desktop of a Xen virtual machine directly so that I can use it without having to log into my Xubuntu desktop?