I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in Parallels 11 and trying to forward two ports for a software in the VM Ubuntu.
In Parallels shared networking is active and the VM is recognized in my router as the same machine as my Mac. So it seems that shared networking is ok.
But the software in Ubuntu still claims that the two ports (701/702 TCP) are both closed.
Is there something special i have to configure in Ubuntu for port forwarding?
I have already tried bridged networking, changed the ports for testing, nothing works. On my host the ports are open and working, only in the VM they are not.
In Parallels shared networking is active and the VM is recognized in my router as the same machine as my Mac. So it seems that shared networking is ok.
But the software in Ubuntu still claims that the two ports (701/702 TCP) are both closed.
Is there something special i have to configure in Ubuntu for port forwarding?
I have already tried bridged networking, changed the ports for testing, nothing works. On my host the ports are open and working, only in the VM they are not.