Hi all,
Host - Ubuntu16.04
VMs - Ubuntu/Debian/Mint/Windows etc
Virtualbox - Version 5.0.26 r108824
This box has been running at least 4 years. I can't recall whether VirtualBox was installed on repo or download on its website.
Each day when VirtuaLbox is first started following warning popup
(see attached image - screenshot_virtualbox.png)
The running version of VirtualBox
(see attached image - screenshot_virtualbox_running_version.png)
Please advise what shall I do, download the latest version and install it running dkpg?
Would the installation affect the VMs installed? (I would shutdown all VMs)
Please advise. Thanks
Host - Ubuntu16.04
VMs - Ubuntu/Debian/Mint/Windows etc
Virtualbox - Version 5.0.26 r108824
This box has been running at least 4 years. I can't recall whether VirtualBox was installed on repo or download on its website.
Each day when VirtuaLbox is first started following warning popup
(see attached image - screenshot_virtualbox.png)
The running version of VirtualBox
(see attached image - screenshot_virtualbox_running_version.png)
Please advise what shall I do, download the latest version and install it running dkpg?
sudo dpkg -i DEB_PACKAGE
Please advise. Thanks