I wanted to install virtual box but I think as I understand their sife https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads that I cant run it o my 686 install of ubuntu, I chose to avoid the 64 bit version because in the past I had issues with flash or something, anyway, this is surprising then, though curiously virtual box appeared as avaiable in the software repository but upon trying to install it I got an error message saying it was unavailable. Do I really have to install ubuntu 64 then to use this? Thanks in advance.
I wanted to install virtual box but I think as I understand their sife https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads that I cant run it o my 686 install of ubuntu, I chose to avoid the 64 bit version because in the past I had issues with flash or something, anyway, this is surprising then, though curiously virtual box appeared as avaiable in the software repository but upon trying to install it I got an error message saying it was unavailable. Do I really have to install ubuntu 64 then to use this? Thanks in advance.