I have been running Ubuntu as guest machine through VirtualBox on MacBook Pro. I use Ubuntu as my base system for software development. The guest Ubuntu gets 4GB RAM and 2 cores of CPU. I also set up the environment so that it shares folders with the host through NFS, and gets forwarded USB ports through which I connect to Android phones.
Recently, I noticed Multipass providing convenient ways of running Ubuntu as virtual machines. I read that it still lacks some native features like port forwarding but it can provide such features by connecting to VirtualBox. I am interested in transitioning to using Multipass to set up my Ubuntu virtual environment. Aside from its ease of setup, I wonder what other pros and cons it has compared with using VirtualBox. I don't find any article about this on the net. Anyone please chime in?
Recently, I noticed Multipass providing convenient ways of running Ubuntu as virtual machines. I read that it still lacks some native features like port forwarding but it can provide such features by connecting to VirtualBox. I am interested in transitioning to using Multipass to set up my Ubuntu virtual environment. Aside from its ease of setup, I wonder what other pros and cons it has compared with using VirtualBox. I don't find any article about this on the net. Anyone please chime in?